Nandamuri Balakrishna''s historical 100th film Gautamiputhra Satakarni has another big celebration to look forward to. Director Krish and producers Y Rajeev Reddy, Jagarlamudi Saibabu have initiated the Satavahana Pathakotsavam to be performed on January 8 at 5:40 pm and called for the entire Telugu community in two Telugu states to participate in it.
"After the breathtaking Gautamiputra Satakarni trailer took Youtube by storm breaking all time records followed by magnanimous response for Gautamiputra Satakarni audio launched at the foothills of Tirumala with the blessings of Lord Balaji, we come to the final promotion stage to celebrate Satavahana Pathakotsavam on January 8th in 100 theaters in two Telugu states.
A specially designed Satavahana flag will be hoisted at these theaters commemorating the triumph of Gautamiputra Satakarni's invasion in uniting India from Kashmir to Kanya Kumari. In history, Gautamiputra Satakarni announced this day as beginning of a new Satavahana era. We celebrate the occasion as Ugadi even today and in Maharashtra it is Gudipadwa. All over India, this festival is addressed with different names. To ignite and integrate the Telugu sentiment, we launched Satavahana Pathakotsavam campaign.
Nandamuri Balakrishna, director Krish, we producers and distributor Sai Korrapati will attend Jyothi Theater in Visakhapatnam on January 8th to kick start the grand fete while Balayya Babu hoists the Satavahana flag. In remaining 99 theaters in various locations, Nandamuri Balakrishna Fans are to hoist the flag. Every person belonging to Telugu land is open to take part in event and make it a grand success. A detailed list of 100 theaters will be released soon," said producers.
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