Ram Gopal Varma might have apologised for his sexist tweet on Sunny Leone this Women's Day, but the filmmaker has found a supporter in Rakhi Sawant. When many celebrated the women in their lives, this Women's Day, RGV said that every woman should know how to keep men happy just like Sunny Leone.
And this very tweet invited the wrath of many. But Rakhi says that she completely supports RGV and says that "every woman should learn to give pleasure."
Talking to media, Rakhi said, "Whatever Ram Gopal Varma said is right. I am with him, where he has praised Sunny Leone. I would also like to say that every woman, as said by Ram Gopal Varma, should learn to give pleasure."
"Women should let go their responsibilities of kitchen and should take coaching classes on how to give pleasure," she added.
This has come a day after RGV apologised for his distasteful tweet. The filmmaker issued an apology saying that he didn't mean to be insensitive but also categorically mentioned that he was not apologetic to those who were "attacking" him.
Rakhi also added that RGV shouldn't have apologised for his tweets, "Whatever he has said is true and I support him. A man lives with his wife for so many years, the wife serves him throughout her life and the moment a young, hot girl enters the man's life, he forgets his wife."
Source: indiatoday.intoday.in
And this very tweet invited the wrath of many. But Rakhi says that she completely supports RGV and says that "every woman should learn to give pleasure."
Talking to media, Rakhi said, "Whatever Ram Gopal Varma said is right. I am with him, where he has praised Sunny Leone. I would also like to say that every woman, as said by Ram Gopal Varma, should learn to give pleasure."
"Women should let go their responsibilities of kitchen and should take coaching classes on how to give pleasure," she added.
This has come a day after RGV apologised for his distasteful tweet. The filmmaker issued an apology saying that he didn't mean to be insensitive but also categorically mentioned that he was not apologetic to those who were "attacking" him.
Rakhi also added that RGV shouldn't have apologised for his tweets, "Whatever he has said is true and I support him. A man lives with his wife for so many years, the wife serves him throughout her life and the moment a young, hot girl enters the man's life, he forgets his wife."
Source: indiatoday.intoday.in
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