The trailer of Swara Bhaskar’s Anaarkali of Aarah released last week. And while the actor got rave reviews for her performance, the film has hit the headlines for a few scenes which got leaked. The clip which has been doing the rounds of the internet, is actually what the Censor Board asked the makers to chop off. Lead Swara Bhaskar and the makers must be having a tough time as the various cuts made in the film are out in the public eye. The scenes are quite bold and keeping in view the guidelines of the CBFC, it is quite obvious why they have been taken off from the film.
Avinash Das directorial Anaarkali of Aarah is a women-centric film. Its makers faced problems with the Censor Board and thus had to agree for various cuts. But it is surprising to see that those cuts have found their way online. The leaked video has some bold scenes which might have made the censor or the ‘scissors’ board uncomfortable. It also has Swara Bhaskar’s deleted boob groping scene and another one where she showed her bare back.
Anaarkali of Aarah revolves around an erotic singer (Swara) from Arrah in Bihar, who sings double meaning songs. One day things take an ugly turn when Anaarkali has a confrontation with a very powerful man who molested her and instead of bowing down she chooses to fight back against the misogynistic beliefs of her society.
The film is also facing trouble with the people of Veer Kunwar Singh University situated in Bihar’s Bhojpur district, of which Aarah is the headquarter. Its trailer has an item number shot as part of the silver jubilee functions of this local university. The furious authorities of the institution said that it maligns the image of freedom fighter Kunwar Singh and also Bihar for being derogatory.
While the trailer of the film received a positive response from the audience, these leaked scenes might just make things difficult. But, as they say, all publicity is good publicity. Is it in this case?
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