Bollywood actress Nandita Das is separating from her husband Subodh Maskara after seven years of marriage, reports news daily DNA. Nandita and Subodh have reportedly decided to go their separate ways but the 46-year-old actress told DNA that their six-year-old son Vihaan will be their top priority. Nandita told DNA: "Yes, it is true. Subodh and I have decided to separate. Thankfully, it is very amicable. Our son is our foremost priority and as parents of a delightful and sensitive child we request that his and our privacy be respected. There's nothing to hide and there's nothing more to be said."
Nandita Das was earlier married to Saumya Sen from 2002 to 2007. After dating Mumbai-based industrialist Subodh, she married him in January 2010 and the couple welcomed their first child, a son, who was named Vihaan, in the same year. Nandita also told DNA: "Separation is never easy, more so if you have a child. For us, our son is our main concern and we are committed to ensuring his well-being."
Nandita Das debuted in Bollywood with 1989 film Parinati. She carved a niche for herself by her work in films like 1947 Earth, Fire and Hazaar Chaurasi Ki Maa. She is currently working on her next film as director, based on the life of Pakistani writer Saadat Hasan Manto. The film stars Nawazuddin Siddiqui in the title role. Her first film as director was Firaaq, based in 2002 Gujarat riots.
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