Akshay Kumar is on a spree. From signing films with a social message to interesting biopics, it seems there is no stopping this actor whose last four films have sauntered into Rs 100 crore club. And going by his choice of films, that winning run is not going to end anytime soon. The actor will now be seen in the role of the man behind T Series, Gulshan Kumar. The label announced their collaboration on Twitter, “We proudly present the story of the emperor of music, Gulshan Kumar in #Mogul st. @akshaykumar director @subkapoor produced by Sudesh Kumari.” What makes the Gulshan Kumar biopic more interesting is the fact that it will bring together the team of Akshay and his Jolly LLB 2 director, Subhash Kapoor.
Akshay said in a statement, “I had the good fortune of knowing Gulshanji well and had a close association with him right from my first film ‘Saugandh’. We both shared many things in common and come from a similar background. I am very excited to play him on screen.” The actor also took to Twitter and wrote, “My association with Him began with my very first film. He was The Emperor Of Music! Now know His story… #Mogul, The Gulshan Kumar story!”
Director Subhash Kapoor added, “When Vikram Malhotra shared the idea of the film with me, it was a feeling of disbelief. I always told my team that the one story I would love to make a movie on was Gulshanji’s and here I am doing just that.”
The brain behind the film is Gulshan Kumar’s son Bhushan Kumar, who now runs T Series. Bhushan called the film “a dream come true”. He told the national daily, “My father has been a guiding force all through my life and I have always felt his presence in everything I do. I always knew that one day I would make Mogul and share my father’s amazing story with the world. I am also extremely happy that my mother Sudesh Kumari will be producing the film. I can think of no one better than Akshay to play him on screen.” The film’s announcement came on Wednesday as Gulshan was most attached to his youngest daughter, playback singer Tulsi Kumar, and today is his birthday.
Who was Gulshan Kumar?
Born Gulshan Dua, Gulshan Kumar was the son of a juice seller in Delhi’s Darya Ganj. He started helping with the family business early on. Gulshan was initiated into the music business when his family acquired a shop selling records and cheap audio cassettes. he started his own audio cassette operation known as “Super Cassettes Industries” and went on to find a music production company in Delhi. Once his business became profitable, he moved to Mumbai.
Gulshan also produced a number of films including Lal Dupatta Malmal Ka (1989), Aashiqui (1990), Dil Hai Ke Manta Nahin, Meera Ka Mohan, and Jeena Marna Tere Sang. A highly religious man, Gulshan was shot to death outside a temple in Mumbai in 1997. While the police accused film composer Nadeem of Nadeem-Shravan fame for paying a contract killer for the murder, he absconded to London. The police failed to prove charges against him. In 2001, a man Vinod Jagtap confessed to being the murderer.
Source: indianexpress.com
Akshay said in a statement, “I had the good fortune of knowing Gulshanji well and had a close association with him right from my first film ‘Saugandh’. We both shared many things in common and come from a similar background. I am very excited to play him on screen.” The actor also took to Twitter and wrote, “My association with Him began with my very first film. He was The Emperor Of Music! Now know His story… #Mogul, The Gulshan Kumar story!”
Director Subhash Kapoor added, “When Vikram Malhotra shared the idea of the film with me, it was a feeling of disbelief. I always told my team that the one story I would love to make a movie on was Gulshanji’s and here I am doing just that.”
The brain behind the film is Gulshan Kumar’s son Bhushan Kumar, who now runs T Series. Bhushan called the film “a dream come true”. He told the national daily, “My father has been a guiding force all through my life and I have always felt his presence in everything I do. I always knew that one day I would make Mogul and share my father’s amazing story with the world. I am also extremely happy that my mother Sudesh Kumari will be producing the film. I can think of no one better than Akshay to play him on screen.” The film’s announcement came on Wednesday as Gulshan was most attached to his youngest daughter, playback singer Tulsi Kumar, and today is his birthday.
Who was Gulshan Kumar?
Born Gulshan Dua, Gulshan Kumar was the son of a juice seller in Delhi’s Darya Ganj. He started helping with the family business early on. Gulshan was initiated into the music business when his family acquired a shop selling records and cheap audio cassettes. he started his own audio cassette operation known as “Super Cassettes Industries” and went on to find a music production company in Delhi. Once his business became profitable, he moved to Mumbai.
Gulshan also produced a number of films including Lal Dupatta Malmal Ka (1989), Aashiqui (1990), Dil Hai Ke Manta Nahin, Meera Ka Mohan, and Jeena Marna Tere Sang. A highly religious man, Gulshan was shot to death outside a temple in Mumbai in 1997. While the police accused film composer Nadeem of Nadeem-Shravan fame for paying a contract killer for the murder, he absconded to London. The police failed to prove charges against him. In 2001, a man Vinod Jagtap confessed to being the murderer.
Source: indianexpress.com
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