Both Tamanna and Virat participated in the shoot of a 60-second commercial at the Mehboob Studio in Mumbai for Celkon mobiles on Sunday. They were paid a bomb by the mobile company for this ad and to be it's brand ambassador. Trivikram Srinivas has directed this pan India ad which will go on air soon. This Tollywood's ace filmmaker is known for stylish presentation in his films and he sticked to his strengths for this commercial too. Tamanna looked extremely stylish, Virat is damn hot and both fitted as a lovable pair to the T. Let's wait for few more days to catch up this much-awaited TV commercial!
Tamanna Romance With Virat Kohli
Both Tamanna and Virat participated in the shoot of a 60-second commercial at the Mehboob Studio in Mumbai for Celkon mobiles on Sunday. They were paid a bomb by the mobile company for this ad and to be it's brand ambassador. Trivikram Srinivas has directed this pan India ad which will go on air soon. This Tollywood's ace filmmaker is known for stylish presentation in his films and he sticked to his strengths for this commercial too. Tamanna looked extremely stylish, Virat is damn hot and both fitted as a lovable pair to the T. Let's wait for few more days to catch up this much-awaited TV commercial!
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